I- Beyond Laataia
Full colonization of the galaxy (7800-13 200)
238 billion stars recorded, a tiny proportion colonized. Deprived of adequate means of displacement, the homo astraeus initially limited himself to jumping from star to star until the domestication of hyperdrive gave him the means to settle only around the worlds most Adapted to its morphology. Because for a long time the mutation of species caused by adaptation to the environment diversified these requirements to the point that the candidates were legion for what is called the "human community", actually a term that overlaps very broad meanings Of humanoid existence.
Thus, the historian\'s work is complicated in approaching this period: There were approximately (according to the most cited and serious sources) between 380,000 and 410,000 colonized systems out of this total, or between 0.027 and 0.029% of the galactic stars Of Lactavia. If this census was more delicate than that of the stars of the galaxy, it is simply because of the very definition of "colonization".
In returning to the traditional modes of designating a colonized world, the terraformed or "duplicated" worlds must always be separated by the Womakers - which are not always liveable by humans of Solsysian origin, although Of compatibility which allows a short stay without artificial aid - but also those belonging to the immense Dom Dom, composed of all the stars less favorable to life, which, composed of red or orange dwarfs, of spectrum K or M, or even Around the bodies of the "dark mass" of Lactavia, the innumerable gas aggregates isolated as a result of random contractions of nebulosities, as many giant gaseous planets or missed stars. The Doms having founded a true guild apart, alongside the human empire, no one really knows the extent of their possessions. Moreover, while the Doms colonies generally imply communities living under artificial atmosphere dome, the importance of this community is not always specified. Sometimes these obscure colonies had only one dome on a single planet of a dark star, and its community justified its presence only in order to provide assistance to ships of passage which had suffered damage, and sometimes also from an extraction More or less profitable and important. But sometimes it happened that a ship diverted from its course in such a system only discovers a dome abandoned for 1000 years, reduced to the state of ruin ...
Space mapping was a challenge at that time. The coordinates of the various stars and the nature of the planets around them were well known, but more rarely the data concerning the communities residing there, often evolving very quickly, too much for the enormity of this compilation task. Yet the Empire commissioned general censuses regularly, but from their establishment to their conclusion, it generally elapsed 150 years. Also, such enterprises were launched only twice a millennium, from 5800 onwards.
Some, however, had reliable and recent data, but at costs and with unrealistic demands on ordinary mortals. Most said they relied on the databases of "guardians", the mysterious descendants of the Concolles. It is certain that the latter had indeed this information, having a network of probes hardly detectable probably around all the stars of Lactavia. An impressive hypothesis that remains unproven. It is true that the Concolles as their descendants retain their image of "shepherds of the stars", and want to be able to intervene for any discovery of a sanctuary before possible settlers. This implies an instrument of exploration and information out of norms. Some said that Lactavia was their square meadow. It is now known that the Concolles scoured the neighboring galaxies very early, at the beginning of the sixth millennium. They also condemned several very attractive areas within the small cloud of Magellan (Limagalclu), the neighboring star cluster, but also visited with certainty those of the local group, of which the largest, Andromeda, as well as the others Wonders, including Triangulum and NGC55. Assertions dating from the seventh millennium indicate a presence in Virgo cluster (the virgin) at that time.
There is no evidence to support it in the present state of knowledge, but it is certain that the rumors, at worst, the testimonies authenticated, at best, on this epic, testify to a mastery of hyperspatial subduction, a legendary mode Of displacement, allowing an instantaneous "connection" to frequencies existing at the same instant in two very remote locations. Technology at the frontiers of scientific fact, it remains bathed in an aura of magic that serves the mythical image of these great travelers that the guardians remain at the moment. Another document acquired over time is an exceptional value, the holy grail of space exploration, a three-dimensional map of the whole galaxy, and this to the nearest asteroid, instantaneously updated, A sanctuary in the heart of a galaxy of the cluster of the virgin ...
We know how, around the eighth millennium, Ottowan caught up with the expansionists furthest away from Orion\'s arm. This fact began at the heart of the galaxy, so rich in liveable worlds, before extending to other external arms. The last expansionist colonies declared were in their turn "contaminated" around 8900. At that time, the very phenomenon of human expansion vanished as the technology behind it was obsolete, as were the archaic economic principles of its need. Ottowanism had rendered them obsolete. Thus some arms of the galaxy, provided with tens of thousands of candidates ideal for terraforming, were not invested, and this during millennia. On the other hand, there was a second wave of colonization coming from ancient neo-tribal civilizations reached their maximum developmental level. The latter, far from the forgotten Ottowan phenomenon, resumed the trail of their ancestors and completed their sacred work without mood ...
The Brannonians, for example, among the first of these "nutravlers", colonized the 1% of remaining worlds within Lactavia, which represents a considerable volume in the end. They made extensive use of Womakers, reconstructed with difficulty from the only world-ship found near Nanktoban. By the 14th millennium, Lactavia had been largely provided with sites colonized in its smallest corners, allowing any nave frequent stops. But a rumor persisted on the existence of an ancestral civilization and very advanced prudently entrenched within Virgo, this very special star cluster. A myth was created, facilitated by the disillusionment and weariness of the power struggles and the incessant wars between the masters of Lactavia. Many sought truth, wisdom in a promised land founded by obscure ancestors who had bequeathed their ancient ruins to newcomers.
The latter were attainable only in dreams. The founding myths of the past found an echo in an archeology-loving scientific community. This myth took the form of a systematic search for signs that concurred in proving the existence in the past of a brilliant civilization and a decline (not yet considered as a metamorphosis) of these past peoples in the world of the Ottowans. Ottowanism was discovered only belatedly, around 15 450, even as the neocivs managed to develop technologies that would suggest future trips to neighboring galaxies.
Outalaatia the aeternal colonists (from 15 450)
Blacoles calling techniques, developed after a very long theorization started in 14 213, leads to the realization of the first voyages by controlled fall of the spatio-temporal frame. These "shortcuts" sought by science as the absolute holy grail of displacement, found their concrete conclusion at that moment. Even though within Lactavia, in his heart and coming from Solsys, Ottowanism was beginning to be better known, gigantic empires clashed for the possession of the means to realize the call accelerators of blacoles. All systems of technical importance within the process were the object of furious and destructive conquest-reconquest.
At the time of the conclusion of this war between the Lacanians and the Dolmenites (14,487-1,4643), Solsys once again became the stakes of confrontation this time with the knowledge buried on Terra. And the guards promptly intervened, as the Concolles had done many times before, and nullified the Lacanian forces. This reversion took advantage of the Dolmennites, who, exhausted, had withdrawn to Orion\'s arm and repulsed the Lacans beyond the inter-space. But while the latter were preparing a reconquest offensive, a warning came to them from the guards, accompanied by the destruction (without victims) of the factory of Dante Meyttou, producing since two hundred years Cyclic hyperbola, necessary to the maintenance of the frequential reactions Of the AMAT reactors. Deprived of these vital elements for their ships of war, the Domennites found themselves temporarily deprived of their mobility, and confined to their zone. A brief but mediatized conference ended the war with the mediation of the Guardians and the status quo, each remaining on its conquered positions. This gave a certain advantage to the Lacanians who could now, with all the cards in their hands, produce their first IP (intergalactic) naves.
II-Towards oblivion
The last explorers
The usefulness of an endless extension:
"The proponents of expansionism then lost their breath, and Mars\'s long thrust in the cold matrix came to an end by the emergence of other means, especially a decadence of a civilization which believed in the virtues of Colonization, the last guardian of the right of property, who perished with them and forgot all about them."
Mattha Zhenya, guardian of the pillars of knowledge, 23,766 of the old era.
Within this vast subject, represented by the immense ocean of humanoid diversity around the tenth millennium, it is worth recalling the Four great fundamental philosophies of the old era, the "Developmentalists", also called the expansionists, the "seeders of Worlds ", opposing the" children of the Earth ", the" neoprims ", those who renounce anything but a perfect harmony with nature, the Grinnians, adepts of genetic modifications and artificial symbiotism and finally the "Virtualists", who renounced their physical existence and existed only in the databases of obscure forgotten cities, in order to better drown in their dreams. The relations between them were interesting: They are the subject of a Chapter below: The Four Philosophies.
It is evident that at one time the immensity of distances traveled meant that the expansionists followed a perpetual movement of extension, a replica of the big bang to the measurements of the human universe, even though the progress of the " Spirit and its questioning had accompanied and caught up with them. To define the state of mind of these last dinosaurs of the human species, ten thousand years ago now, it is necessary to consider defining a type of individual who is still attached, no longer to the notion of discovery , The Ottowans crossed the last limits of knowledge two thousand years earlier, but purely from territorial conquest, mixed with a sense of increase of a heritage, a hard reality arising from even more primary needs, Were the engines of a formidable evolution, and that the Expansionists did not like to be reminded of them.
For the latter, their mission remains Divine in the modern sense of the word, as redefined after the Ottowan revelations. There is a sense to physiognomy, and it is this latter which determines their action on the worlds they transform and which guide their Manichean vision of the good. Creating is good by nature. Create new worlds in the icy and distant darkness, each time reproduce the miracle of the original creation, transmit the light of life wherever possible: It is the gift and the duty of men.
*Physife: Ancient acceptance for "physical life" (non-virtual).
But how can we accept that the three other philosophies, which end up prevailing, develop like a "virus" without remedy, on every terraformed world? There is clearly an enormous amount of blindness in this whole story. A voluntary blindness, in order to protect a whole section of human civilization, a system of values that existed since the antiquity Terran, more than thirty thousand years ago. Humanity began to emerge from its chrysalis, and the Ottowans then played their full part. Since these have not been studied in the preceding chapter, they are as follows:
The Ottowans
Their place in the explorers is a long-awaited frontal confrontation. The Ottowans appeared in all likelihood in 7800 of the ancient era, on a planet of the Ando system (HR5864), which will bear the now universally known name of Ottwama. (Mother of the Ottowans). It is founded by settlers from Broeni, the naturally existing planet being terraformed and made habitable in the 72nd century. We do not know much about their appearance, which is for many of the legend, but it is certain that have in common a guru in the person of Wa Duguma, or Dougumi, according to the phonetics. Like the spiritual father of the Grinnian civilization, it is a "Manuboy", according to the old imperial term, a "man without a body", whose real age has remained an enigma, and the birth remains the most fanciful .
He himself made a great mystery of his past life, but nevertheless some disciples later admitted, including Onriote, in 7920, which he had probably lived since the third millennium, during the generalization of the mastery of psychenic entities.
His great science came from any hypothesis of a destiny analogous to that of "pilgrims-parasites," the same ones who, once they had passed the free electromagnetic stage, grafted themselves into the circuits of the great Tachyons, then foaming the galaxy , Descending at each stop on the planet visited, which they auscultate by their unconscious, their virtual universe, mirror of reality, and then from world to world through the whole system before returning to a new nave. The most wonderful thing in history is probably the fact that he managed to visit the few shrines preserved in the galaxy, and was in contact with an extrahuman science.
Some to refer to the most distant roots of his initiatory journey are called upon by a legendary thinker of the twentieth century Terran, a certain Carlos Castaneda. There is no doubt that the search for extreme psychotropic sensations built for a time a bulwark against the rusticity of virtuality, but the body itself, beyond a certain limit, presented itself as a barrier to overcome. Only the purely detached existence of sensations, deeply listened to with the fundamental mystery of the human psyche, could progressively bring about the idea of dimensions, time and space totally surmounted. Everything came from the scientific definition of the psychological entity: The architecture of the physical body preserved in as many electromagnetic nodal points. This architecture was a prison as long as it was the layer of a metabolism adapted to an animal condition.
It was therefore necessary to detach completely from this architecture, to rid the thought of all the parasites stemming from the functions of the metabolism and inherited from the real life. This goal, the Virtualists had already envisaged, around the 45th century, then again at the 46th, at Ton. Only such a vast metropolis could conceal such movements of thought in its lowlands. But they also knew that the disappearance of their physical body was not enough to achieve this objective as long as they were using instruments adapted to a standard human condition. It was necessary to create an unprecedented mutation in a non-genetic domain, that of a "purified" or "lightened" psychenic entity conceived from the outset to be independent of a physical body and whose sensations would be all other, By a "perception" of the simplified environment. They had to have at least a primordial meaning, quickly called the "good/bad" distinction, which took into account only the sensations capable of causing the disappearance or Diffraction of the psychotic entity. The main motivation of this group was, of course, to seek to free themselves from any solid foundation, to be completely independent without risking the dissolution of absolute death.
This required a consciousness capable of materializing as such, with its own architecture, which imposed a very particular energy structure. Research was carried out by this group of manuboys in complete independence and impunity, even though the famous Tonite war, the greatest earthquake of the old era, was taking place. Trials and experience which have brought about some progress of which we will know nothing because these Psyfasirchs have disappeared in the turmoil. But Wa Duguma claimed that he was only "spiritual" in his research. He asserted that they had made a mistake, that another group would have formed on an obscure planet Domite, and would have re-examined this problematic, seeking to project itself from its real body and powerful psychotropics, as was done In the past, in the throes of what they believed to be a connection with the consciousness of living species of the environment.
When one goes back in the past in search of traditional Indian rites, one faced a long-hidden truth: Shamanism was truly a deep connection with the living entities of the immediate environment. Their influence was the object of irreconcilable and terrible visions, "perceptions" could be said, closer to reality than would ever be the human body, locked up in its prison of basic perceptions. Forcing the mind to leave the body through the absorption of powerful psychotropic drugs, after a long practice, could help to separate from its psychological structure in order to better connect to different species, to choose them and then to "see" through By marrying or parasitizing their own psychological structure, and eventually to connect with atrophied and persistent forms of the entity of their ancestors. To be able to constitute, outside of time, a very different atrophied psychenetic structure, in which only bits of consciousness remain, could not constitute the solution. There was a dead end, that of the necessary dissolution of the entity, which passed through an ineluctable period of dilution of consciousness, the loss of which was the first caveat. The consciousness of the entity is diluted because it is not conscious of it precisely.
This implied that the traditional consciousness was not armed to respond to a natural phenomenon of recycling of human energy which was also programmed in the genes by the fundamental structure which created, from physical matter, an entity psychénésique. It required an "overconsciousness", capable of maintaining its coherence while freeing itself from its primitive structure. This is what Wa Duguma, at first alone, after having traveled enough to make contact with all the movements that worked in the same direction, then by connecting with them give his own impressions. Gifted and Charismatic, convinced by what he sensed to the point of overwhelming all who heard him, he quickly forged a mythical image within the virtual worlds. It is estimated that his "research group" "Risgro", for the more traditionalist Expansionists, an additional sect, for some Urban hermas, a fashion effect and a media phenomenon that they carried to the pinnacle, He returned there in 7792.
His "sect" for some was so important that the once-ferocious Tantalist authorities went back to some of their old ways of bringing to light the profound reality of this group of thought. They had to realize that this character represented no danger, except to cause some frail people to die first degree (physical) in order to join him permanently. But to ensure his complete independence, especially with regard to the artificial media hype that was being made on his members, he exiled himself with his community on Ando-2, which was renamed in his honor "Ottwama", with reference to the A movement he had founded, that of these researchers from beyond, the legendary Ottowa of Domitius beliefs. There, his "fleshy" disciples built a "temple", a building intended to receive the entities of community members and rooms to be equipped with mysterious structures, a technology apparently very simple and incredibly complex at the same time , Of which Wa Duguma had the keys. The latter was "elected" by his disciples as the first "Ottwamast", the master Ottowan.
In all likelihood, Duguma, now Ottwamast, reproduced the architectural concepts he had "understood" about the sanctuaries visited. If from the archives have been opened on this field, it is formally demonstrated today that these remnants of extrahuman structures, authentic vestiges of the only intelligent civilization known outside man, and fifteen million years before him, allowed To this species of traveling outside of any attachment of the physical world. These structures had been buried for the purpose of a manifest discovery, but this intention was never definitively proved. The Historians have long torn about this. For more information see the chapter on "Sanctuaries".
Otwamast, who was the only one to possess this title, since his successors took that of "master disciples" (Kysenweis), trained hundreds of disciples in his "temple", which had the appearance, The physical members of the community undertaking to beautify it, between two sessions of meditation. The Ottowans could have become a tourist attraction without the fierce will of Otwamast himself, who insisted that his powerful newly converted sponsors redeem the entire planet and force its inhabitants either into exile or live in Grinellians. Ando-2 became Ottwama by the will of his guru, a "sanctuary" rid of all the "stinking animal superficiality". The "vulgar of the old values of the so-called expansionist civilization", in his own words. For he himself pursued his researches. The structures he used, the materials he had produced at great expense and protected them from any patent of exploitation outside the community, helped to forge his legend.
It was only when he simultaneously succeeded in cutting off all ties with the outside world and in completing the operational commissioning of his whole set of structures. This was the hypothetical date of the sudden disappearance of this community, between The year 8002 and 8016. Brutale because it was notable that it disappeared in 8065 only. Residents of the other territories of Ottwama, who remained for them Ando-2, attracted by an uncanny curiosity, motivated also by the interrogation of the interruption of all ties with the "physical" members of this community, with whom they had kept contacts. They made this astounding discovery: the buildings were empty. Their structures completely inactivated and inert. There was no trace left anywhere from any departure. The 2,560 "physical" members and the 230,000 entities registered on the spot had totally disappeared. An investigation was carried out and no suspected flight from the planet was recorded during this period. There were, however, very few of them, following the agreements between the inhabitants of this world and the Ottowans.
But the best was to come. The inquiry naturally moved towards the "temple", previously and very innocently visited by the Andonians, with more radical means, intended to sound its structures in depth. But even as the facility was operational, a vibration of unknown origin, in all probability emanating from the temple itself, forced the investigators to leave the area. They fell back on cyborgs insensitised to these harmful vibrations, but the latter encountered a veritable jamming of their systems once they had reached range. The detections made in geostationary orbit were also doomed to failure: A true immaterial screen prevented any attempt to ausculate its depths.
The Ottowan temple was completely abandoned. No other disciple of what was then an almost secret place came to Ando-2. His successors known as "Kysenweis", including Dar Shalkowais, Momori Tsuda, Kampur Neghit, Drebo Eivrynn, came from outside this community. Two of them were from Ton, others from Shalnitt-4 (Ross 2458), and Dabbra-2 (Groombridge 17,526). All professed their philosophy only in virtue of the many discussions left by Duguma. Several centuries of diatribes and speeches including the famous "marches of eternity", a work falsely attributed to Algir Tannebed, the first disciple of Duguma. In this teaching there was clearly mention of the existence of a non-human intelligence diffuse in the perceptible universe but which could manifest itself by various "influences" that had to be interpreted.
In the apparent apparent chaos, these "influences" were intended to allow an individual who did not apprehend him to experience an experience of decorporation and diving in a "mental torrent", a theoretical geometric figure but able to connect different places Of space-time by simple analogy of the nodal points of energy of the universe. It was a process that allowed us to fully extricate ourselves from the limits of time and space in order to enter into an order of perceptions truly independent of the phychelectric architecture. The objective of Duguma seemed to have been effectively defeated, several centuries before the disappearance of the order on Ottwama.
In 10 565, archaeologists, heirs of this Ottowian philosophy, succeeded in recovering the trace of this temple. They were not at all inconvenienced by any harmful vibrations to which they lent little credit. In what remained of the foundations and ruins of this temple long settled by the surrounding forest, they succeeded in finding a vast structure of totally unknown forms and materials. But the latter had suffered so much from the outrages of time that it could not be reconstituted. No human remains were found. 2500 years had passed. The temple quickly became an extraordinary place of fetish pilgrimage, and the planet was so quickly invaded by Ottowan communities that the Andonians mingled with the arrivals or were forced to emigrate to the neighboring planet, Ando-3. Being "sanctuarized", this place became untouchable, notably by means of modern prospecting.
It is said, however, that during the year 10 589 a "master disciple" was contacted, and delivered a spoken work which still remains today the only contact of the ancient Ottowan order with its distant descendants. His teaching spread rapidly in a community with several million members spread over more than 2000 planets. As a result of this episode, the frequency of inexplicable disappearances of Ottowans increased in supernatural proportions. In fact, and although the powers of the human federation are concerned with it belatedly, arguing that the Ottowans orders for the most part resided within the Dom civilization, the various Ottowan orders were extinguished at the same time as their members . These have left no trace either in virtual or real. Their total disappearance is still unexplained, and this mystery was rendered more opaque by the ill will of the Doms.
At present, the great secret Ottowan is stale for the most part. The clusters of evidence drawn up by the researchers prove that this scattered "civilization" had found the means to exist outside of any humanly perceptible dimension. She joined the entities of other non-human civilizations of even more remarkable antiquity. The secret is held by certain sanctuaries and will probably never be perfectly clear as long as the guardian angels of our beautiful empire will oppose it. What is called "Ottowans" at present does not have much to do with the radical character of the ancient philosophy. It is a question of circles of meditation and of "psychic researchers" fond of limiting psychological experiments which rage within the great cities of the empire.
The Expansionnists
If there is indeed a recurring current of humanity, it is this one. As old and illogical as violence, this expansionist trend is the result of Mars, as the researchers agree. The expansionists had this denomination only centuries after the beginning of their adventure, as opposed to the virtualist movements. The Doms are also separated from the expansionists, even though the former are derived from them. The Doms focused on the colonization of non-terraformable planets, whereas the former only sought to develop worlds that were in a favorable ZCH. But above all, it was the motor of this seemingly endless expansion that provoked so much controversy. For by what miracle have men come to leave their blue planet and migrate to other worlds?
To answer this question, one must look at the ancient history of Mars. At the very beginning of the industrial motivation of terraforming, at the time when the local researchers had confirmed the scenarios envisaged, there remained only the phase of realization of this titanic enterprise. But how were the gigantic necessaries collected? For the official history of the time, it was the large concessions of private territories that technically explained these investments: Public power alone and in the name of science was far from sufficient for such a challenge. At that time, the developed economies were suffering from virtually no growth, even though the rest of the world, following China and India on earth, were catching up.
An economic fad, a myth, but also the object of the most serious studies demonstrated the relevance of the "clean slate" to revive the economy. It took vast virgin territories where everything had to be done to find the ideal conditions. But on earth no new land was exploitable. James Branning is attributed the paternity of a controversial thesis on the theme of a colonization of Mars for economic growth. The thesis, which was judged to be fanciful, began a course of credibility over the years, and as economic despair became apparent in the formerly favored countries (Europe, USA, Japan, Australia, Canada) Dimension of leitmotiv for a generation, the one that came to power at the right time to unlock the leverage of investment: By betting on Mars, these ex-economic powers were betting to create the ideal conditions for their new development.
This state of mind led to many crucial consequences: First, these ex-powers placed in Mars all their hopes, and thus voted the necessary fods, even if they had to resort to massive loans. Then, the idea germinated of a "guarded hunt" of ex-privileged, alone in this economic situation and only investors a priori. In fact, and this was capital afterwards, the sistuation was otherwise complex, and if the stewardship of this colossal enterprise went to the aforementioned countries, the real nature of this financing was much more varied. In detail, the sums allocated were borrowed from China, India, Brazil, South Africa ... But the "Westerners" as reducing beings, relied on Mars for themselves, not For the rest of the world whose economies flourished. This would immediately result in a tightening of immigration conditions, going towards a purely ethnic choice.
But the most important thing is the success of this model. The terrafrmation phase itself saw the arrival of a large number of settlers generating needs no less great and in fact the Martian economy, still under Terran infusion, proved to be more vigorous than all the most optimistic forecasts. When the "Westerners" were convinced, immigration literally exploded and this growth continued its rise to new heights. The new Eldorado had been found. But when the terraforming ended, the economic situation of Marsien, which had reached a peak, receded somewhat, and was then revived by a considerable new migratory movement. Under pressure, the Earth demanded that the "cotas" be abolished, and that the criteria applied no longer penalize the populations of the co-financing countries, such as China, the Union of South Africa, Indonesia, or The large countries of South America, which see their populations finally benefit from this welcome. The native Marsians did not want to hear about it and the tension degenerated until the famous war of independence of the red planet.
Three hundred years after the end of terraforming, Mars experienced its first decline in economic growth. In the space of fifty years, Mars had generated the means to terraform a planet of the neighboring star, Alpha Centauri, and was preparing to invest other nearby worlds. The current "expansionist", aiming to seek a new El Dorado each time, was born. On each new world, the same pattern repeated itself: A settlement with terraforming aim, for 500 years and more, generating its own growth, then an inflection and again an embellishment of several centuries post-terraformata. The roots of growth disappeared and the needs met, a new adventure was launched. Indeed, the expansionists could not stop and the "economic viabilization" of a world did not exceed an average of a thousand years. After that, the population emigrated en masse, and this liveable world was depopulated for the benefit of certain deviant populations.
The never-ending expansionist movement came to an end only when the Ottowane "religion" made so many adepts that those who were not virtualists or neoprims disappeared gradually. The basic principles of this expansion had simply lost all interest.
Having come second in this historical ladder, the virtualists were considered a radical deviation from the forms of human existence. They were the first, before the practices of decorporation of the Ottowans, to adopt a new posture concerning the foundation of the existence of man: The virtual worlds had reached such a degree of perfection that nothing seemed to forbid another, Other than those who enjoyed their "second life", to shorten their first to benefit without waiting for the second.
For millions of years, man had been afraid of death. Such fright that he invented gods and a smiling beyond to reassure himself in the hostile darkness of his brief existence, and to psychologically combat the apparent "chaos" and create rules of supernatural governance, as well as for men . Thus civilization was born on these spiritual bases, and had prospered by removing from man his fear of death, in order to do him his duty and to make a good subject of it. The temporal and spiritual power were They were thus intimately connected with the beginning of the first great civilizations.
But by the turn of the twentieth century, death was partially defeated and the very concept of God linked to the existence of an afterlife and the fear of death faded. To the faith shared by billions of human beings succeeded the consciousness of the brevity and value of every human existence. Finally, we were able to "capture" and conserve the human psycho-esic entity. Henceforth, the "broken link" which completed the process of decorporation at the time of the physical death, leading to the discovery of the absence of any electrical activity in the brain, had no longer any raison d\'être: "Literally aspired to the spirit of Dying at the moment of the great leap, preserved in a virtual replica of its synaptic architecture, its virtual brain, the soul found a new existence of sensations not less rich than during its lifetime during this "second life" in which according to its vows Could find a second youth and realize all his dreams, exploring myriads of worlds during a multi-millennial existence. "Paradise" had been reinvented.
The virtual connection of humans also allowed them to find their dear "disappeared" in the viwo, and perpetuate the celebration of their large family over hundreds of generations. The Viwo had so many attractions for the living that very early some had the idea to be suppressed in order to experience this experience without any body attachment, and this from the twentieth century on earth, then on March. The "disconnected" on March were soon so numerous during the dark ages of colonization, that the Maryan authorities decided to "freeze" the use of viwo according to the procedures in force, pure and simple. But the movement did not disappear. The fear of depopulation at the very moment when Mars needed arms, led to the installation of immense batteries of artificial dies.
The movement of "suicides" as much by the rejection of a dirty, brutal and icy world, Mars in full terraform, or in the downtown neighborhoods of the overpopulated and polluted megacities of the earth, took on such a magnitude that A few years, the "virtual prohibition", any connection longer than 4 hours, with a rigorous control of the transfer of the entities: Anyone who wanted to pass his entity, or a copy of it in virtual after having voluntarily given the death Was deprived of that new existence which she called for with her vows; But the sacrosanct right to commit suicide for other reasons caused a lifting of a shield to bring about the abandonment of this system. And so over the years, the "virtualist suicide" was accepted with bad grace and became a phenomenon of society. The name given to the "ancestors" already populating these universes, and artifacts (beings created from scratch by the hosts to artificially populate historic places for example), became that of the entire virtualist community. The "virtualists" or "virtuonautes" represented a considerable population of physical deaths over the years, adding to each other, and constituting in a multitude of universes that can be visited (as much as creators), a parallel universe, alongside the living
The Virtualists, sometimes also "manuboys", were not expansionists, the accepted economic data no longer running, the physical references abolished or remodeled. They were a thousand lives at a time, passing from one sex and age to another according to their fancy, living at a thousand reconstituted times, inventing a thousand destinies, including those who fully satisfied their dreams and ambitions Disappointed or unreachable in reality. But virtualists mostly justify their existence as a means of living in conformity with nature: Virtual man had no impact with nature. On many of the worlds deserted by their human populations, only a few neoprims and a single temple, lost in a jungle, mysterious and impenetrable, housed nanoscale storage cabinets themselves devoted to the preservation of the virtual universes of the past Planets and previous ones. Billions of billions of worlds and human existence existed at the same time in this confined place, with such an energy source that it was in complete autonomy over millennia.
In other cases, the last expansionists, who became "natives" without great ambition, converted some "shamans" from the neighboring tribes of such a "temple" to their proper functioning, to pass the relay by becoming in their turn ottowans.
"The neo-primitis, from a refusal of the logic of expansion, were at the same time high-ranking biologist scientists, radical naturalist idealists, and socially excluded, marginalized, voluntary or not. "Second history" of humanity."
-Kolgan Tebhra Adjunat, guardian of the pillars of knowledge, 20 567 of the old era.
The neo-primitives, soon to be called "neoprims", were groups of isolated individuals who met on every planet inhabited by man in small, dispersed and disparate groups. All were in disarray with society and all shared the love of nature. The expansionists\' philosophy was for them, not the absolute evil-the expansionists created life in nothingness-but a model condemned to its own decadence and its own inevitable fall, by its permanent race based on artificial economic laws. In this they were not deceived: The Expansionists became ottowans and put an end to the first historical era, when the first neo-civilizations were born and prospered.
These small human groups, whatever their rejection of the expansionist civilization made the deliberate choice to refuse any use of manufactured objects and to use only abundant materials around them. Their integration into nature had to be perfect. Some of them, however, sought to reconcile their simple life with a certain quality of care by the sharp knowledge of fauna and flora and did not renounce certain displaced technological objects or "writing" codes. Only when all the "tribes" became purely oral culture did their destiny begin to change: isolated from the expansionists they did not follow their mass departure from their planet, then that of the last natives, later centuries, The ruin of great cities, and nature, which everywhere triumphed over the last traces of civilization. A thousand years after the departure of the last representatives of the ancient founding civilization, the neoprims were in a virgin world, deprived of all memory of their past of rupture and mistrust but inheriting in leg of a vague series of Mythological narratives.
It was inevitable that at one time or another they would decide to take their future in order to get out of their condition and reinvent trade, agriculture by settling down, then founding cities and finally civilizations. The latter clashed for millennia and developed until one of them was sufficiently advanced in its technology to launch into space. From then on, a universe already marked by the ruins of the expansionists, now vanished and forgotten, opened to them. On their way they encountered powerful extra-planetary civilizations that had followed the same path. Confrontation was inevitable, and wars spontaneously broke out for territorial domination. The old expansionist empire was torn for more than ten thousand years, before finally, on a singular planet, since antificial and old of the same period, in the heart of the galaxy, reveals to them the secret of the ancient civilization Galactic which had preceded them.
Then, in their turn, the most advanced neoprims became converted to Ottomanism and disappeared. The transition took another ten thousand years before this "second story" came to an end. There were only a few isolated communities left behind in their civilization ...
"Grinnven" remains a treasure of unrivaled ingenuity, superb confirmation to the face of the universe and the time that man is worthy of the civilizations that preceded him: Finally he managed to reach a model of advanced development In perfect harmony with a milieu that he himself had precisely built as the most genial of the demiurges. His future successes are measured by the yardstick of their peaceful contributions throughout the galaxy."
-Ediran Chiran, guardian of the pillars of knowledge, 21 461