Typical scene view inside a "rin" (ring city) in space
The Rins (of the old standard "ring") were the cities and worlds organized according to the principle of the gravitational wheel carried on a very large scale. The utility of such structures was to give a livable earth to a stellar system that did not possess any telluric planet in its ZCH, a widespread case (87% of rested systems). The principle was that this vast rotating structure would create by its mass an ideal gravity effect. The first to consider the construction were the Martians: They thought to satelliate one around Miranda in order to support Uranusian colonization. Indeed, the need for arable agricultural land compatible with a "standard" gravity imposed the choice of this type of structure with the science of then. But in view of the progress made in the colonization of low-gravity worlds and the appearance of semi-gravity, this project was abandoned.
Lagrangian Torus
The first Rin was built centuries later, between 5890 and 5116, by settlers Doms, around Paducah. They named it "halo", in homage to an ancient reference. It was not the largest and measured only 1800 kilometers in diameter, but was built according to the usual method of the Doms, using thousands of billions of cybids. Its rotation was fast enough to compensate for its relative small size, the inhabited part of course being turned towards the inside of the ring. Similarly, the atmosphere was itself retained by this centrifugal force. All the outer part of the ring was made up of building sites, warehouses, arsenals. Its thickness was such that interior spaces under vault of 4,000 meters multiplied by two the habitable surface. Below were the living quarters of the less well-off, the shops. (See section).
An impression of Rayrenn
Other Rins were built later, like Rayrenn in 6212, Longkolbo in 6387, Kosurath in 6414, Teitgenna in 6549. The smallest listed was Labrayln-5, coupled with an enormous station. All the gravel wheels were not Rins. This required sufficient space to accommodate large exploitable lands, which implied a radius of at least 100 km. The small Rins, like Labrayln-5, wide of 230 Km, turned faster and its small surface was overdrive by the practice of the "doubles sols". These were mainly agricultural, fisheries and livestock farms, with the outermost level being reserved for landscapes that are less functional but much more pleasant humanely. For a long time, it had been determined that the more chaotic the topography was, the more it favored natural selection and enriched the genetic heritage of fauna and flora.
Elysium ringworld famous by the 2000s in pop culture
The vision of a inhabitant of Rin is always extraordinary: Let his gaze be on the horizon, and he will see emerge from the distant haze, like a celestial pillar, a form in a chimney decreasing to end no longer by sinking into the\'Ether, with variations of dark shades indicating aquatic and solid surfaces. On the sides, past the light atmospheric veil, it is the dark blue of the space that dominates, with its procession of stars. The atmospheric layer tends to bend over these flanks, so the pressure is less strong at these places. At 1000 meters from the edge, there is a zone totally uninhabited or only the best adapted natural organisms dominate: The cold the lack of pressure there are unbearable. Finally, the subtle play, the ballet of the astral bodies cause intense variations of nebulosities according to the hours. These Rins became widespread in 7100, as many weak stars but whose radiation was not harmful at short distance abounded. Around star stellar type K and M1 or M2, the Rins were less than 350 000 km.
The ring concept dates back from the 1960s