Jaurasii: Prumesing, the kings\'s capital

Prumesing Kings traditional headgear

This narrative is published on the Prumesian legend, that of a post-ancient Jaurasian planetary empire that existed in 9200-9600 from the time of the old era. It is a collection of research notes, collections of texts, vestiges of bas-reliefs, rolls and tablets. More than 260 years of work for more than 230 scientists armed with all their patience and expertise. This history, which is also a form of illustrator, the birth of the greatest neociv empire of the old one, met the events of the reasons of the creation of the city and leaders. We wish you good reading...

1-On the fifth day of the fifth demote, Eyloth, the cavalier emeritus of the Nourades order, was invited by his sovereign Belletare to find the land he had perceived in his dreams, that of the thousand rivers, The verdant countryside at the foot of the colossi. In the night he crossed the Wormung and sank deeper and without any escort, and in a very simple setting in the country of the Jaarides, in which somewhere existed those who had seen this land, on the other side of the mountains of the Shampaz (South of the Yulino River). Belletare had long prepared for the departure of his people, a slave to the bad lands, to the icy and dried steppes. (... missing passage).

2-After 14 days of crossing, Eyloth found the stone of dreams, the millennial guardian of the land of the Jaarides. He sank into the forest, and then emerged two days later, without having encountered a living soul, even some Asimtoten (a neighbor of these northern forests). At last he arrived in sight of the high walls of Kalletyr, the brown city of the King of the Jaarides. Arrived at the bottom of the gates, open to the market day, which attracts gentlemen, grooms, mountebanks from all parts of the country, he named himself to the guard as King Belletare\'s envoy, and furtively showing the sapphire seal as big as a fist, Carved in flight, a royal symbol unequivocally, the guard hastened to dispatch an emissary and an escort, who soon brought a palanquin. The crowd was replaced, and the procession moved towards the inner wall.

3-His doors crossed, far from the dirty and febrile tumult of the mob trading and demonstrating, Eyloth crossed the beautiful villas of the old streets once crowded, shaved to make room for magnificent and improbable staged gardens, terraces supported by columns, or The straw and the vile peat of the uncertain soil gave way first to the coarse stone, then to the white stone of the cliffs of Garay, and finally to the most precious marbles. When the columns and statues became more and more present, he knew that he was entering the very territory of the palace. The procession crossed a long staircase, climbing on the side of a wall, and emerging from a massive door, guarded by watch-towers on each side. Behind them, armed halls and their occupants, in the service of the security of their beloved sovereign.

4-Announcement was made all sounding horns, resounding as far as the edge of the forest, and the heavy finely carved doors, inlaid with Irandian points, opened without a sound. At the passage of the procession, a flight of great birds of prey from the princely hunts crossed in a circle, making their lugubrious complaint heard. Last animal guard without concession, they landed on the niches of the towers which seemed to have been conceived from time immemorial for such an occurrence. The procession passed through hundreds of servants wearing the royal coat, framed by proud and robust Eknamms, sporting the famous hammer on the shoulder, the only sight of which glistened the blood. They were kneeling, without a sound, except that of the orders of precedence eructated far behind the walls. Then the cortege stopped before a personage of august appearance, who presented himself as the chamberlain. Eyloth descended from his palanquin in the manner he thought proper for an emissary who had come so far, but without betraying the fatigue of his journey in his slow, assured and solemn gestures.

* Nourades: Elite cavalry of the Dagans.
** Iranian: An extremely shiny and resistant metal made of alloy of steel, green copper, Gronine and Boron.

5-On foot, therefore, the Chamberlain and the envoy passed a last door without guards, but opened by a simple sign of the hand, and began a long flight of stairs. After two turns punctuated by strong statues, Eyloth thought dubiously of the great tent which served as the throne room for his King, simple and rough, but feared for his horsemen. Eyloth himself had no particular bet, besides a wicked dark Galuber worn all along and still impregnated with sweat and dust. But the latter protected a tunic embroidered with silk and silver threads from the province of Tapelh, carefully tucked into a chest under the palanquin and lined a few kilometers before arriving. He therefore got rid of his cumbersome Galubre, which he tapped in the wind, and climbed a last staircase, enclosed by a massive door framed by two enigmatic men, dressed like soldiers of the parade, masked and motionless. They did not sketch the slightest gesture at the passage of the Chamberlain and his host.

6-The Chambellan stopped before a door more massive still, the tall as ten men were covered with human-sized statues, four superscript frescoes describing the feats of arms of the Kings of yesteryear. The wooden doors, dark and shining, looked very old, while the figures were painted in bright colors and the frames of the frescoes adorned with gilded scrolls. The posture of the wooden sovereigns seemed everywhere to suggest the greatest implacability, so that the visitor was even more humble. At the signal given, three shots of his chamberlain\'s staff on the base ring of the right door, the immense structure shook, sliding on hidden rails, unveiling the throne room.

7-The latter was dazzling, flooded by the vast stained-glass windows which overhung this one. A thick carpet, black with gold and red, rose like a river from the platform of the throne to the door. On each side were two immense tables set up for banquets, free of any ornament. A few selected guards, some dignitaries, constituted the only reception, framing the king. The latter was not in posture of intimidating majesty, but rather relaxed like some thief after strong libations. In contrast to the door, the walls of the huge room seemed empty, only a few curtains hidden by the shade of the balconies, as well as statues of great figures of superhuman size. Above the balconies, hunting trophies were lined up.

8- The King greeted the cavalier sent by Belletare, who immediately replied, bowing to the ground and announcing: "O great King, my sovereign, Belletare, son of the steppe wind, elected by the people Dagan salutes you ". The King had him raised, and then sent word to him in what sense Belletare wished his assistance. Eylath said: "O great King, my sovereign wishes the Jaarides the permission of our caravan to cross your land to settle beyond the Shampaz." The latter replied unceremoniously: "Will your caravan have an escort, if it is by me, I demand a thousand talents, if it be by you, you will find my army to meet."

Embarrassed, Eylath took the tone of the suppliant, bending to the ground even more. He declared: "Mylord, my Sovereign desires not war, but only cross your lands, and our men-at-arms will be present only to answer the brigands, the evil beasts, and the perils of the neighboring tribes, which might injure him." The King of the Jaarids seemed impassive to the supplicating tone of Eyloth, and again demanded a thousand talents. Eyloth still in the tone of the plea must have admitted that he did not come with a thousand talents, his King not possessing such a fortune but his heart was frank and sincere. He added that on the way to the Shampaz he must necessarily pass over the lands of the Jaarrides, and that his people should take his cattle with him, and that thus he would not disturb the countryside of his country, but that his merchants would have, on the other hand, Beautiful tunics woven by the famous riders of the North.

The King of the Jaarids, Denukut, refused again, adding: "If your people cross my lands, it is at their peril, for I suffer no man-at-arms of the steppes of the North does not crowd my kingdom with his soiled shoes ... ". Eyloth, still bowed to the ground, said: "O great King, if my sovereign comes without arms other than his personal escort on the northern border of your Kingdom, near Slovocki, will you accept to see him?" The king consulted his advisers in a low voice, then addressed the envoy of Belletare, and enjoined him to rise again, adopting a much more warm tone: "Envoy, you are a man of honor, so I would come to the sixth moon With my people to set up my camp near Slovocki, where your master will be the guest of festivities given in honor of the friendship of our two peoples If your merchants have something to satisfy me, then I may authorize your Caravan to cross my lands ... Go now and report my words of peace to your sovereign. "

Eyloth made three genuflexions, then retreated in front of the King as usual until the entrance to the throne room. Framed by two Eknamms, he made the opposite trip and left the city. He galloped for a fortnight, and returned to bring the news to his King. The latter welcomed him with the solicitude of a comedian to the news of his prodigal son. Eyloth kept him up for an hour during his interview with the King\'s impression of his advisers, the city, and the lands of the Jaarides. (... lost passage).

At the end of the fifth demote, the sixth moon approached, the king had summoned all his men-at-arms, his cavaliers, the guard Nourades. He caused the tents of the royal house and the court to be dismantled, and all his people prepared to depart. Belletare felt that the sudden change of attitude of Denukut described by his envoy hid a bellicose intention: Setting up his camp near Slovocki, a vast open plain, his powerful army would have the free field to undo his own forces on his own territory. The young King of the Jaarids had been preceded by sovereigns, all of whom had coveted the northern steppes, not for themselves but to control the Irish route. The taxes levied by the Dagans, and the accusations of brigandage against the rare Jaarid merchant delegations passing through these lands, had always been the motive of military expeditions.

13 But if the steppe is poor, it is also the ally of the Dagans; In the spring, it is infested with lorodons * and hunting wild animals. In summer, it is the anvil on which strikes the celestial hammer. In autumn the rains transform its rare paths into quagmires. In winter, the cold is so dense that men are living statuettes. And on these steppes, the armies Dagannes its queens. Counting strong cavaliers, they come and go like a storm, riddling the enemy infantry of arrows with a legendary address, without being caught up. The enemy\'s armies find only desolate land, burnt fields, harvests are hidden, and those that can not be destroyed. The few solitary wells are known only to the Dagans alone, and the village wells are poisoned by throwing some carrion into it, as well as all the water-points. To the famine is added the disease, and the nocturnal attacks of the Dagans and savages Leztings.

14. The time and the steppe are like an immense wall on which the dreams of conquest break. The mighty Jaarid army, the masters of the continent thanks to its heavy infantrymen, its discipline and its war machines, had thus been able to subdue the neighboring city-states and make them either allies by force or vassals. Only the great steppe of the north remained out of sight. Entire armies had once been annihilated. The survivors had returned terrified; Four kings had perished there, others had returned so marked that never again did they attempt any warlike action.

*Lorodons: Ephemeral insects taking advantage of moisture and heat to reproduce. Vectors of diseases.
**Letzings: primitive neotribus of the steppes, used as mercenaries by the Dagans.

15- Denukut was considered by his peers, especially the old companions of his late father, both a formidable warrior and admirable for his love of letters and songs. The elder having died as a result of an illness, the crown returned to the younger brother, another child, who had arrived at the very flower of his youth, was lazy, a drinker, a runner of easy girls, and a great hunter. He passed over for a brutal and arrogant insult, and showed a total disinterest in the affairs of the state, in the hands of his advisers, who were known for their greed. Thus it was his former tutor who had become chief counselor, who suggested that he should bring his army to the frontier, and then attack the enemy camp on the plain, where his own cavalry and heavy infantry might deploy war machines . Denukut was already dreaming of an easily won victory, of the enemy King, a prisoner, leaving the field open to his men to subdue the Dagans deprived of King and chiefs.

16- For his part, the old Belletare, nicknamed "the gray fox" by his men, was a wise ruler who had already foreseen the refusal of the Jaarides and introduced a spy into his long-standing court. The choice of an interview in Slovocki was evidently not a matter of chance. The vast plain lent itself admirably to a pitched battle, the surrounding woods not allowing the Daganne cavalry to bypass the enemy to harass it faithfully to the usual tactics. Only a pitched battle could be envisaged with his own infantrymen, very few, unprotected, not accustomed to fighting melee range but stealthy ambushes and shots.

Brunnej Palace

17. Thus the King had chosen Slovocki for his plain, which gave the Jaarides the feeling of being conquerors at every blow, and of attracting his army, but above all for the fact that it was accessed only by crossing the mountains of Donseng, And a long defile which lent itself admirably to a vast ambush. But this parade, precisely, was well within the territory and there was no human memory seen a Dagan wandering over these lands. The mountains were accessible by the north only through thick forests, and their surroundings, even beyond the frontier, were commanded by watchtowers.

18- When the sixth moon came, Denukut had an immense army gathered together for the first military expedition of his reign. Excited by this prospect, he had melted an armor specially for this occasion, on which had worked ironworkers and artists during twenty days and twenty nights. He also had a battle-tank built with a tower and fired by fifty Cavales. He summoned his generals, mobilized Kallet\'s army, and all the court-men, with their carapacic mounts and gleaming armor, presented themselves, as well as all the men in arms of the city. Ten thousand elite soldiers, who had melted their own equipment at their own expense, the young companions of Denukut, and all the men armed by the city-state, or nearly 130,000 combatants, most of whom came from the most Far from the kingdom, and many as mercenaries. Three neighboring allied cities, sent specially, had sent their own troops: the Bachirs * of Tontania, the Holbendes ** of Piras and the Frassales of Gavonia.

* Bachirs: Sorts of hoplites, foot fighters, disciplined citizen-soldiers operating as lancers in tight formations.
** Holbendes: Body of lightly equipped infantrymen, who operate in the forefront and throwing javelins.
*** Frassinales: Women mounted warriors, formidable cavalry coming from the great plains of Gavonia. The address of their javelin shooting remains the prerogative of the women of this country of pastures, still peaceful. They soon made contact with the ancient "amazons".

19- It was thus with nearly 200,000 men that the army of the King of the Jaarides and his allies set off. He reached Sfatos, at the foot of the Donseng Mountains, on the sixth day of his journey, and set up his camp for the night. For his part, King Belletare had sent his army before his caravan to the forests of the frontier. He sent for his best officer, Shiran, who assembled a few elite archers and sent them to guard the towers. He then assembled his troops, the cavalry having left their mount and equipped only with light weapons. The king, in order to calm their anxieties, spoke thus to them:

20- "You are the pride of your people, the sons of the wind and the steppe: tomorrow we shall be facing the sovereign whom your fathers and their fathers fought against, and because we are fighting for our fathers Land, our freedom, as always in the past, we will conquer, but this time we will not have to sully our wells and burn our crops: We will attack as we have always done, but in broad daylight and with all our The enemy will pass by the Donseng mountains to-morrow, and we will attack them from the top of the defile, before which Braboth and Laysinare will have taken their places at the two extremities, and will close them when all the King\'s army has entered. For each stone, each spear, your avenging arms will be unforgiving: Each one will have to present to ten Not one of these oppressors of the Jaarid and their servile allies should arrive in the plain. When evening comes, we will celebrate on the black and red flags. Your fathers and the fathers of your fathers will be avenged. And we will cross their lands. And we will reach the Shampaz. And beyond that we shall reach the land of a thousand rivers. There, your sons and your sons' sons will live in the abundance and grace of Gorab * until the end of time ... "

A thunder of ovations greeted the King\'s words. Soon after, the 20,000 dagans took the footpath to the forest. In the evening they reached the mountains of Donseng. Having separated, and having climbed their flanks, they reached the two banks of the defile. There they prepared their weapons, trimmed pointed branches, gathered blocks of stone, sharpened their blades, and bandaged their bows. They had even brought by arm in the height of the cauldrons, into which the pitch was poured, which each man carried with him into another. When night came, while the fallen men fell asleep, King Belletare and Eyloth, Prince Ashitare, and the officers of his guard, looked at the thousands of fires which lay at the foot of the mountains. One would have thought the stars of the sky reflected on the plain as far as the eye could see...
* Gorab: The supreme god of the Dagans.

22. When the dawn came, the Jaarid officers prepared themselves, inspected the camp, ordered the men to throw the water of the soup on the fires, dismantle the tents, and assemble their equipment. As the sun was already high in the sky, the Jaarid army was ready to engage in the defile. But the awakening of the King was still awaited. The young sovereign had indeed already celebrated his victory the day before with selected companions and daughters of joy, and feasted until the moon was at the highest. When finally his nearest cousin dared to awaken him, the last of evil humor had him dismissed and went back to sleep. It was only when the sun was in its turn at the highest level that Brabant, his old tutor and principal councilor, took it upon himself to get him out of a stubborn sleep, in order finally to raise the camp to men who were impatient .

23. So when the army entered into the defile, most of the men had risen from dawn and had now an empty stomach. The King, still in a bad temper, made no speeches, and remained frozen to his officers; he did not take the lead of his troops according to custom, but was carried on a hasty carriage at the rear of the convoy, with The troops of conscripts and reserve, who saw for the first time their sovereign, and saw him there prostrate and grumbling, a cup in his hand. When the head of the army arrived in the middle of the defile, some men began to ask to stop to restore themselves. The demand was refused by the officers and the procession continued. But when the convoy arrived towards the end of the procession and only a few late troops had not yet entered it, the demands resumed. The sun hit hard and the heavily equipped men were baking under their paraphernalia.

24. But the officers refused again. It was initially planned to cross the parade early to precede the enemy\'s army and to get out of it as quickly as possible in order to avoid a possible ambush attempt. Reserve soldiers and conscripts, poor and rude men from the countryside of the kingdom, were in principle not attained by these demands. But seeing the urban troops of the allied cities come to beg for the King to stop for a moment to drink, the latter, too happy to be able to resume his libations, stopped the convoy without consulting the superiors of the army; To set up a tent to take refuge there the time to resume its libations. The conscripts who saw this behavior then disbanded, sat in disorder and improvised a meal. The Allied urban soldiers had opened their cuirasses, left their stifling helmets, and came to draw from the barrels of water brought by the wagons. Some of them, beset by thirst, also drew from barrels of brandy to celebrate the victory.

25. It was thus that, as a contagion, indiscipline gained the rest of the army, advancing towards its head. Unconscious officers did, but others better informed, sent their orders to warn their superiors at the front of the column. Everywhere men would leave their protections, put shields and spears in their heaps, swords and javelins and came to draw pittance and drink from the wagons. Warned and outraged, the leading officers sent their best men to re-establish order within the column, but the latter advanced with difficulty. Then the sound of a horn sounds. A dull thud was heard: At the front of the defile, between two close hills, an avalanche of rocks descended the steep slopes and came to condemn the exit. Other horns echoed one another. The soldiers were suddenly taken out of their restoration and looked frantically in all directions without understanding. The officers, understood and terrified, shrieked their orders to still apathetic men.

Mercator map of Jaurasii

26. The King himself, still indifferent, thinking that it was the horn of an allied army, suddenly realized what it was and rushed outside. But it was already an indescribable confusion: From everywhere, a rain of arrows, traits, spears, blocks of stone, and terracotta grenades of inflamed pitch, fell upon the men panicked , Some running towards their shields, others towards a hypothetical protection, some fighting for a place under the chariots, wagons ... A few archers tried to reply. The Frassinales could not even think of doing the same thing. In order to save their horses, they advanced on foot holding them at bridle, but these timid animals were now impossible to control. The Bachirs, the Eknamms, the elite troops of the city head and trunk naked were targeted and shot down one after the other. The bad troops in the rear, barely bombarded in comparison, disbanded and fled.

It was a carnage that lasted until the sun made its last shift. As the shadows lengthened, there was no trace of movement in the defile. Complaints of agonizers, scattered debris mingled with bodies, the acrid smoke of the pitch which consumed the corpses, and in the distance, at the entrance of the defile, the last fugitives, who were pursued by some Dagan horsemen. The empty heart and stomach tied, even as the prince and other officers were exulting, Belletare was gravely contemplating the disaster he had wanted. Reduced to the exit of the defile, he had engaged himself with his troops to come and reconnoitre the dead. Quickly, the Jaarid officers were found, crushed under tons of rocks. The great counselor had been burned to such a degree that it was at his Sigillary ring that he was found. It was not until the twilight that the King was identified. He lay in a chaos of animal bodies of men, the body riddled with arrows planted in his back.

28. In the first quarter of the moon, Belletare ordered the bodies of the principal officers and the oriflammes of the allied cities, and of Kalletyr herself, to be assembled. A large pyre was erected, and the officers were burned there. The corpses were separated from the wounded men, and they were taken from the defile. Many died of ill-treatment, but Belletare caused all those whom he took under his wing to be preserved. He had the honors of war restored to the king's body and court, and remained long meditated, while his men feasted, enlightened by the great burners of the stake. Ten moons were still allowed to clear the bodies of the defile. The smell was so unbearable and the task so arduous that in the end it was ordered to throw away the remaining pitch and to feed this improvised brazier with all the necessary fuel. The eleventh moon, the convoy of the Dagans, was assembled, and in turn entered the defile. Men and beasts walked on the still warm ashes of 100,000 enemy soldiers...

29. The Dagans crossed the land of the Jaarides without hindrance. As promised, Belletare spared the villages crossed on his way. Most of the inhabitants had fled to the news of the defeat towards Kalletyr. While the convoy, transformed by rumor into a vast army, passed nearly sixty leagues from the capital city of the Jaarid kingdom, a delegation from the city came to meet the procession: Without even the King of the Dagans The idea of ​​a siege, the very official emissaries of the disarmed city came to bring him the keys of the great door of the wall. Belletare received them with all due respect, and assured them of his pacific intentions. Nevertheless, he accepted the keys as a pledge of honor, giving the guarantee that, possessing it, he would never, during his lifetime, place the seat before the proud city.

After the departure of Kalletyr's delegation, the convoy set out again, and after crossing the Yulino, and after forty moons of uninterrupted march, at last reached the foothills of the Shampaz, whose snow-capped peaks merged with the sky. Beyond that, stretched the warm country of the thousand rivers on the soil so fertile that each seed planted the day before gives a tree the day. Belletare had his camp set up, and received delegations from the allied and vassal cities of the Jaarides. His alliance was everywhere proposed to him, and rumors were circulating that the throne of the Jaarid, left vacant at Kallet, the merchants would have assembled in council, and would henceforth secure power.