Portocano, at the start "Port Volcano", was a simple Emporion (Trade post) on the Shomacksap river, the small town living from its agricultural products thanks to fertile lands, and developed almost overnight by fortune. Indeed unusual curative vertues were uncovered from a small mountain flower which definitely became famous in the entire system and beyond. Confronted with the inability by the industry to clone or replicate its molecule by any means, and the fragile balance and location of it, choice was made of a limited, controlled exploitation with extra care for not disturbing the particular climate of the location. Despite this small scale production, wealth skyrocketed, to the point of the town becoming a striving city servd by an astroport. The city then became the capital of Nu\'Jamaca, or New Jamaica, a piece of land in a largely archipelago-like terraformed planet. The latter hand a lower gravity than earth and the global climate was poorer in oxygen, warmer and with a stronger moisture rate. Pseudo-Caraibeans colonists after generations are found tall, brownish or dark-skinned, curved black haired (often braided) and also often with clear green or grey-reddish eyes. Nature litteraly took up to the air in many places, that makes the planet unique. Originally called Tau-Ceti 4-2, a satellite in the hot fringe of a golden belt, the planet later was renamed after the main and richest most populated island, Nujamaca. However, because of its precious biologic balance and pricy species, immigration was forbidden and the population controlled, more by culture and natural ways than authoritative measures and never really passed the one billion stage.