Brazilian GTs

Roaring under the shadow of the Corcovado

With its international population, American and European tastes, the Brazilian developed on the base of a local automotive industry a whole range of interesting sportcars:

Bounds with old Europe perhaps explains why the most sold four-wheelers are Fiat, Volkswagen, Opel and Renault. Some of these cars seems to please all kinds of audiences such as the Farus, featuring a modest 2.2-liter Chrysler, or the pretty Miura, very "sporty" in appearance, and featuring a simple 4-cylinder VW, and more powerful models like the Saber Coupe Autocraft and the Santa Matilde, with 4.1-liter Chevrolet, or central engine, such as the very angular Hofstetter, or singular Aurora, inspired by the Ferrari F40. The only sports sedan in Brazil remains the EMME 422T, produced with the close collaboration of Lotus. The most athletic of Brazilian sportscars, home of Ayrton Senna, is of East German descent. This local "Porsche" bears the name of its most widespread fawn but is no longer produced. From the fifties she will have reigned over thirty years. The Puma however remains as dear to the heart of Brazil fast cars lovers as the Bolwell for the Australians.

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Puma 1967
The Puma GT 1967, a true classic

A rare classy coupe from Brazil: Santa Matilde
A rare classy coupe from Brazil: Santa Matilde.

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